I’m packing and otherwise getting ready to go to the 2011 meeting of the AASL in Minneapolis tomorrow and, since I’ll be talking about the chiru, I thought it might be appropriate to interrupt the discussion on beginnings to share a sampling of books about other animals who, like the chiru, are or have teetered on the edge of existence.
Ellis, Carol. Apes Endangered. Benchmark, 2010. (One of a series of books on endangered animals).
Firestone, Mary. Top 50 Reasons to Care About Elephants. Enslow, 2010.
Kurlansky, Mark. World Without Fish. Workman, 2011.
Lasky, Kathryn. Interrupted Journey: Saving Endangered Sea Turtles. Candlewick, 2006.
Montaigne, Fen. Fraser’s Penguins: A Journey to the Future in Antarctica. Henry Holt 2010. (for teens and adults).
Montgomery, Sy. Spell of the Tiger: The Man-eaters of the Sundarbans, Houghton Mifflin, 1995.
_____________. Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World’s Strangest Parrot. (illustrated by Nic Bishop). Houghton Mifflin, 2010. Siebert Medal Winner 2011.
Safina, Carl. Voyage of the Turtle: In Pursuit of the Earth’s Last Dinosaur. Holt (paper) 2007.
Sinha, Vivek, R. The Vanishing Wild Tigers: Co-Predator and Prey Species. Anova, 2003. (for all ages).
Turner, Pamela S. A Life in the Wild: George Schaller’s Struggle to Save the Last Great Beasts. Farrar Straus & Giroux.
Only by understanding the peril can we act to prevent it. I hope this list will be a useful beginning for some readers.
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